Steven Frankland
In the Spring of 2024, I began as an Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science at Dartmouth College, and will be principal investigator of the Dartmouth Lab for Mind, Brain, and Computation. Prior to starting at Dartmouth, I was a post-doc working with Jon Cohen and others at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, pursuing computational models of memory, generalization, and relational reasoning. Prior to that, I received my PhD from Harvard, with Josh Greene. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study how the brain dynamically encodes structure (who did what to whom) to make sense of a sentence.
Kristin Dang
Kristin is interested in using computational and neuroimaging methods to understand how the mind processes and represents abstract, conceptual information. In her free time, she likes to cook, watch Masterchef, and listen to music.
Lab Members
Daniel Carstensen
Daniel’s research interests revolve around the application of statistical learning at the intersection between computational neuroscience and computational cognitive science. Outside of lab work, he enjoys photography, reading, and skiing.
Christopher Diak
Chris is interested in cognitive architecture and compositionality and their application to the study of philosophy, religion, machine learning, and organizational behavior. How are thoughts composed and how does that process shape what can be thought?
Aadi Kaul
Aadi is interested in using neuroimaging to explore how perception, memory, and attention influence human decision-making. In his free time, he enjoys reading, playing pick-up basketball, and listening to music.
Bora Bozdogan
Bora is studying cognitive science and computer science and is interested in why humans do what they do and what we can learn from it. In his free time, he writes for the Jack’O Lantern, travels, climbs, and develops video games.