

Campbell, D., Rane, S., Giallanza, T., De Sabbata, N., Ghods, K., Joshi, A., Ku, A, Frankland, S.,M., Griffiths, T.L., Cohen, J.D., & Webb, T. W. (2024). Understanding the Limits of Vision Language Models Through the Lens of the Binding Problem. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.00238.

Frankland, S.M., Webb, T.W., Lewis, R.L. & Cohen, JD (preprint). No Coincidence,George: Processing Limits in Cognitive Function Reflect the Curse of Generalization.

Plunkett, D., Frankland, S.M., & Greene, J.D. (preprint). Neural Representation of Compositional Ideas with Spatial Structure


Webb, T.W. Frankland, S.M, Altabaa,A., Krishnamurthy, K., Campbell,D., Russin, J., O'Reilly, R.C., Lafferty, J., & Cohen, J.D. (accepted Trends In Cognitive Science). The Relational Bottleneck as an Inductive Bias for Efficient Abstraction.

Mondral, S.S. Frankland, S.M, Webb, T.W., & Cohen, J.D. (2023). Determinantal Point Process Attention Over Grid Codes Supports Out of Distribution Generalization. eLife.

Bernhard, R.M., Frankland, S.M., Plunkett, D., Seivers, B. & Greene, JD. (2023). Evidence for Spinozan “unbelieving” in the right inferior prefrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Frankland, S.M., & Cohen, J.D (2020). Determinantal Point Processes for Memory and Structured Inference. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Cognitive Science Society. Code for Computational Models.

Frankland, S.M., & Greene, J.D (2020). Two ways to build a thought: distinct forms of compositional semantic representation across brain regions. Cerebral Cortex.

Webb, T. W., Dulberg, Z., Frankland, S. M., Petrov, A. A., O'Reilly, R. C., & Cohen, J. D. (2020). Learning Representations that Support Extrapolation. International Conference on Machine Learning. Code for Computational Models, written by TWW.

Frankland, S.M. & Greene, J.D. (2019). A representational asymmetry for composition in human left-middle temporal gyrus. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Workshop on Context and Compositionality.

Frankland, S.M., Webb, T., Petrov, A.A., O’Reilly, R.C, & Cohen, J.D. (2019). Extracting and utilizing abstract, structured representations for analogy. Proceedings of the 41st Cognitive Science Society. Montreal, QC. Code for Computational Models.

Frankland, S.M., & Greene, J.D (2019). Concepts and compositionality: In search of the brain’s language of thought. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol 71.

Frankland, S.M., Merchant, A. & Greene, J.D (2017). Basal Ganglia contributions to simple logical operations in humans. Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, New York, NY.

Frankland, S.M., & Greene, J.D (2015). An architecture for encoding sentence meaning in left-mid superior temporal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. 

Hsu, N. Frankland, S.M., & Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2012). Chromaticity in color perception and object color knowledge. Neuropsychologia.